There were words in our sermon today that gripped my heart... "The quiet daily drama of the jar and the jug." (Dale Ralph Davis) Perhaps you need a little context...
We have started a sermon series on the prophets Elijah and Elisha and today we were in 1 Kings 17. I love this chapter and it takes me back a few years... probably more than 10 now...
I was a Core Leader (small group leader) in Community Bible Study and I had been asked to move to another class for a position on their Servant's Team (leadership team). In the end, I was asked to pray about becoming the Associate Teaching Director. I was a mom to young children, my husband traveled a lot and I honestly just wasn't sure I could handle it. I didn't think there would be enough of me to go around.
I don't remember how I came across 1 Kings 17, but that's where I found myself one day and when Elijah told the widow that the flour and the oil would never run dry. I knew that was a promise that if I would step out in faith, God would sustain me with all that I needed. He was faithful to His promise and not only did I serve as the Associate Teaching Director, I spent 4 years as the Teaching Director. It wasn't easy, but every day, every week, He gave me just what I needed.
Fast forward till now... On Wednesday I leave for the National Teaching Director Conference for Community Bible Study. Not because I'm still a Teaching Director but because I have had the incredible privilege of designing a line of logo jewelry for them and I get to go and help them sell it.
My friend, Susan and I, have worked hard for 4 months to complete the order. She has been tireless and I don't know what I would have done without her. The best part, she loves serving in Honduras and this order has made a way for her to serve there twice since we started!! But as the conference approaches and the website goes live, I've been more than a little overwhelmed. One minute I worry that it could be a complete flop... the next I worry that it could be an overwhelming success and then I'd have to figure out how to keep producing (talk about a seesaw!).
But as I sat and listened to our sermon today, on 1 Kings 17, there was a moment that took my breath away as our pastor talked about the quiet daily drama of the jar and the jug... the moment by moment trust in God's provision, for whatever the circumstances bring. I knew then I could stop worrying, God will provide exactly what is needed, no matter how it turns out.
I don't think it's a coincidence that the same passage that started some beautiful years of service with CBS so many years ago is the very passage that once again promises me that the jar and the jug will never run dry as I embark on a new adventure with CBS.
Joyfully Blessed,